Senin, 26 Juli 2010


Hey, let me tell you about my day so far. Coffee in Paris, surfed the Maldives, took a little nap on Kilimanjaro. Oh, yeah, I got digits from this Polish chick in Rio. And then I jumped back for the final quarter of the N.B.A. finals - courtside of course. And all that was before lunch. I could go on, but all I'm saying is, I'm standing on top of the world.

oh God, please....i want to be a jumper hahhaha :D

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Perempuan Datang Atas Nama Cinta

Perempuan datang atas nama cinta

Bunda pergi karena cinta
Digenangi air racun jingga dalam wajahmu
Seperti bulan lelap tidur di hatimu yang berdinding kelam dan kedinginan

Ada apa dengannya

Meninggalkan hati untuk dicaci
Lalu sekali ini aku melihat karya surga dari mata seorang hawa
Ada apa dengan cinta

Tapi aku pasti akan kembali dalam satu purnama untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya
Bukan untuknya, bukan untuk siapa tapi untukku
Karena aku ingin kamu
Itu saja

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010


PLUR: P(eace), L(ove), U(nity), R(espect)

The "four pillars" of the "house" or "rave" community are PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, and RESPECT.
You can't have peace, love, and unity without respect. And even more importantly, each individual is responsible for finding and maintaining and giving peace, love, unity, and respect. It isn't just handed to you. It doesn't just magically appear because you've arrived at a rave or taken some acid or ecstacy. You have to find it and generate it for yourself, and then GIVE IT AWAY to anyone and everyone to sort of "jump start" them into generating it. The "giving away" of it is what makes up, in my mind, the "vibe."


Peace is what you use to chill out when the sound system blows and the music stops for ten minutes. It's what you use when some idiot keeps bumping in to you while dancing. It's sort of like serenity and being calm. Shit happens, and you deal with it.


Love is an unconditional appreciation of something or someone. It combines with peace to allow you to think things like "Frankie Bones isn't a bad guy, in spite of his flapping mouth." The peace gives you the chill factor so you can get to the unconditional love.


Once you have peace and love, unity follows in that you can appreciate other people and other things, and this appreciation allows you to work together with them, or spend time together with them, and otherwise support them, even if you don't always agree with them. A sense of something "bigger" than just yourself and your own pleasure is part of unity -- in the case of us on the list the "bigger" thing is an interest in the odd social phenomena known as "raving." Unity helps me to do things like throw good parties for the ne-raves list, even though there *are* people who are on the list and who might come to these parties who I'd rather not have anything to do with . . . it is in the spirit of greater unity that I chill with these feelings (peace again) and welcome everyone into my home so they can be together and have fun.


This, to me, is the key that is often missing in our scene. People get too much into flamage (and I admit, I've been guilty of this). People are more worried about being DISrespected by others, rather than concentrating on generating and giving respect. This is the most difficult one for me to explain, because I've had the least amount of time to think about it . Respect includes things like NOT graffiting on walls at raves, picking up your trash, and giving whatever you can as a donation when the hat is passed at a free event. It also includes seperating yourself from that what you don't like, while allowing it to continue uninterrupted because people other than yourself are getting enjoyment from it (for example, take my feelings toward the majority of breakbeat: I really don't like it, so when it is played I go chill with some friends and wait until the set is over . . . I used to whine and complain, but then it sunk in to me that OTHER people were getting something from it, and by trying to supress their enjoyment I was showing extreme disrespect for them.)

this article is tribute for my wonderful new class XII IPS 3, lets get our success together, we're born to rock n'roll! :D

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Puisi Rangga

Aku lari ke hutan, kemudian menyanyiku
Aku lari ke pantai, kemudian teriakku
Sepi.. Sepi dan sendiri aku benci.
Aku ingin bingar. Aku mau di pasar.

Bosan aku dengan penat, dan enyah saja kau, pekat!!
Seperti berjelaga jika aku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh

Ahh.. ada malaikat menyulam jaring laba-laba belang di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya??
Biar terderah...
atau aku harus lari ke hutan belok ke pantai?

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010


When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes.  But when you photograph people in black&white, you photograph their souls!  ~Ted Grant

Something About Sempak~

mesti semua tahu gambar orang di atas~
semua orang tau dia superman (¯з¯) ehehe...
dulu waktu muda, aku juga ngidolain superman (gak munafik) hahha mulai dari kuncungnya aja tak tiruin, bahkan smpe sekarang aja masih ada yg suka niru tu kuncung... ni contohnya temen ane~

korban superman syndrome~

nah, ngomong2 soal superman (¯з¯)
dan juga knp judul postingan ini something about sempak haha itu karena ada satu pertanyaan yg sebenernya ganjel mengganggu pikiran jiwa dan raga hehehe :p
pertanyaan itu adalah....

mengapa superman sempaknya di luar? (¯з¯)~

ada alasan yg logis dan ada alasan yg asal bacot semau congor...
berikut dftr jawaban yg konyol pendapat orang & temen-temen ku..

1. biar orang tahu supermen pake celana dalem, jadi cewek-cewek yg ditolong gak pada takut
2. keburu2 nylametin orang jadi lupa pake sempak, yaudah terpaksa pake di luar (Bagas Ridwan)
3. biar aksi
4. itu trend mode 1960an cawet outdoor
5. anak gaul
6. karena dulu tontonannya anak2 jadi cara pake bajunya juga mirip bayi, yg dalem pampers sama popok yg luar baru sempak
7. sempak dari bahan khusus jdi bawaannya pengen pamer mulu (Mida)
8. biar eksis

ada juga alasan lain yg lebih logis, aku dapet dari 

Alasan sebenarnya adalah bahwa seniman komik (terutama sebelum tahun 60an) merasa bahwa kostum superhero harus sangat pas dengan badan sehingga bisa menunjukkan otot2 mereka - kecuali mereka takut tentang ilustrasi daerah selangkangan yang apabila tidak hati-hati akan tampak terlalu tegas bagian p*nis nya (hal ini adalah masalah pada saat itu). Namun demikian, apabila dibuat rata, tentulah hal ini akan menimbulkan kebingungan. Ketika Agan menggambar orang dengan pakaian biasa, Agan tidak perlu khawatir tentang bagian tersebut karena bisa ditutupi dengan memberikan lekukan-lekukan di celana. Nah, dengan memakai celana dalam di luar, hal tersebut bisa diatasi. Bahkan Silver Surfer, yang digambarkan tidak memakai baju sama sekali, harus memakai "celana dalam" juga dulunya.

hehe, itu tadi sedikit tentang sempak nya superman~
thanks buat temen ane yg buat gambar superman di atas *yg ada sempak nye, yg gak ada editan ane* hehhe ane ambil tu gambar buat layout blog ini jadi link fb, tpi ttp ada copyright nya lho haha...

buat temen2 yg baca posting ini monggo kasih comment yg isinya menurut kalian knp superman sempaknya di luar ehehhehe :D

 superman images source : Bharamida Dwi Rizky

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

M. (¯з¯) .S

aku posting ini sambil dengerin lagunya projectpop...hahha, sambil ngakak2 juga...hahha

Ketika kesepian menyerang diriku

Gak enak badan resah tak menentu
Ku tahu satu cara sembuhkan diriku
Ingat teman-temanku

Don't you worry just be happy
Temanmu di sini

Kamu sangat berarti
Istimewa di hati
Selamanya rasa ini
Jika tua nanti
Kita t'lah hidup masing-masing
Ingatlah hari ini

Don't you worry don't be angry

Mending happy-happy...

hahhahhahhahaha....MOS kali ini bener2 jadi most wonderful ngakak on my fuckin life...thanks for you all....hahha.. :D

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

TK Smansa

hell yah! tugas buat logo smansa waktu MOS, malah ada adik yang ngumpulin gambar macam ini :p
sungguh menggambarkan dunia SMA yang ceria, penuh senyum dan penuh canda hahaha...

picture by : Rida Maretiani / Pringgondani (huahahahahahha)