Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Let's Show To The World That The Good Guys Always Win

Sometimes life is not as beautiful as the picture of a movie.
Not a fiction which is usually always a happy ending even though there were tears.
But for some reason of the many events that happen, if the featured back will feel that life is so short.
Nothing more than a two-hour duration of the film.

Looking at the photos my mother in high school. It turns out that memory looks so fun to be a pain drug.
And now I'm in the process of making memories that, if every day there is always a portrait of the life of me and my friends, surely there will always be an interesting story in the future.

My mother told me so much with the photo, is really an interesting fairy tale.
From when he first came in, met a friend who's naughty, dating, breakup and heartbreak, getting bad grades. Everything she has told.

But of the many stories that I listen to. Only one word that crossed my mind, that The Good Guys Always Win, good people must win, and will prosper, either when or how.

By hearing the story, I remembered how I got when I deal with UTS and so forth.
I still often cheated hahhhaha.
hmm, at least I tried to find ways to become one of the lucky ones, either when and how :P

But with that, until now I have not felt a real victory, because for most people concerned with the end result and not the process.

Maybe, I'm still not a good guys.
And if now I won, it was apparent victory.
But sooner or later tomorrow, I will make a real victory!

images source :

Senin, 19 April 2010

Humans are so … interesting

Not as easy as when I opened my eyes for the first time.
surely there's always a big struggle before that.

After 17 years experience the world. I felt a lot of experiences.
Part of that experience is a wonderful experience and the rest is a bitter experience.

When was I could only laugh, without problems and without a load. How wonderful childhood.
Free, free. I want to go back to those days.

Humans are hilarious.

Different with my life now.
Laugh first, slowly turned into a problem.
As in a game, where each chapter contains a different challenge.
The higher the chapter, the higher the difficulty level is also the Game.
But on the other hand, characters that we play should be expected to develop into a strong character.
That's what should happen in life.
I faced a different problem now with a problem that I faced 10 years ago. I've been in the higher chapters, it just means it's time for me to grow.
i won't skip.
I believe I'm being as clear as possible here..

Nate River's Quotes

If you can't beat the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, you're nothing but a loser

Quotes di atas adalah quotes yang paling aku inget waktu nonton film Death Note versi animenya, di mana N ,Near atau Nate River bergumam & bilang kata2 itu.
hmmm, sekarang coba terapkan dalam kehidupan nyata, "game" itu diibaratkan adalah hidup, "puzzle" adalah masalah. Jika kita takut menghadapi keduannya maka kita hanyalah pecundang yang hanya menambah kepadatan populasi dunia.
so, from now on should we become a more useful.
Learn from experience and always rise if we fail, or better learn well to avoid failure.

thank you N, you've opened my mind.

images source :

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

For My Little "Big" Brother

oh, the time passed so quickly.
soon you will enter junior high school.
for some reason, I'm so afraid of losing your  funny, your childish.
I'm afraid that you will know porn movie from your friends hehehehe (like me for example) :p.
please don't become big and grow up so fast, because you have enough "big"
although sometimes you sound like a woman, and not infrequently make some people pissed off at acting. but you're still my brother who I hope always funny and fat hehhe
I hope your day will be fun.