Selasa, 07 September 2010

She's (not) Out Of My League

Jack: Dude, forget Stainer. All right? I think you could get her back. 
Stainer: OK, then why don't you look Kirk in the eyes and tell him that you believe he's gonna end up with Molly. Just tell him that. 
Jack: Fine. Kirky, I truly believe that... I mean, I think anything is possible. 
Kirk: "Anything is possible"? 
Devon: Come on! Like there's a million examples of guys like Kirky ending up with a beautiful woman. 
Stainer: Such as? 
Devon: Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts. 
Jack: Right. Richie Sambora and Heather Locklear. Then he went on to Denise Richards. 
Stainer: All recording artists. Normal rules don't apply to those guys. Kirk, as soon as you record an album and it goes platinum, you can push your meat into any human being you want. 
Jack: OK, OK, OK. King Kong and Naomi Watts. 
Stainer: They never consummated. Totally platonic relationship. 
Jack: Stephen Hawking and his lady nurse. 
Stainer: He's the master of space and time. He knows about black holes and shit. 
Devon: What about the President of France and that girl that went out with Mick Jagger. 
Stainer: He knows about wine. And he has a french accent. He could probably French kiss like a motherfucker. 
Devon: Wait a second... The Beast. 
Stainer: Who? 
Devon: The Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Beast won Beauty's love and he wasn't rich or a recording artist. Though, he did have an amazing voice. 
Stainer: OK, Devon, that's a cartoon. But yes, that's one. One out of a million. 
Devon: You know what, Stainer? All it takes is one. Man, you... You guys sit here and talk about relationships but the truth is, I'm the only one here that's married. Yeah, and I'm tired of you guys busting my nuggets cause I've only been with one girl. It's cause she was the right girl! That's why I married her! So, Kirky, let me tell you something, if Molly is the right girl, that's all that matters. You just, you stand up. You stand up. You get in front of her. You get right in front of her and you say, "Hey, I am Kirk Kettner, and I am right here, standing in front of you... right here. Here I am." Something like that. 
Stainer: Power of love. 
Jack: Very... perfect. 
Kirk: Beautiful. 
Devon: Thank you. I was in debate, junior/senior year. I don't know if you guys remember that. 

"if She is the right girl, that's all that matters. You just, you stand up. You stand up. You get in front of her. You get right in front of her and you say, "Hey, I am Kirk Kettner, and I am right here, standing in front of you... right here. Here I am." Something like that"

Kita sebagai laki-laki jangan sekali-kali mempunyai anggapan bahwa diri kita sendiri lebih rendah, lebih jelek atau lebih buruk dari orang lain walaupun pada kenyataannya kamu cuma pecundang dengan gigi abstrak, badan kurus, pendek dan kecil. Mungkin dengan itu semua kita harus tetap percaya diri dan kita harus punya prinsip!

kamu yang sempurna punya poin 10, kamu cantik, kamu tinggi, kamu pintar, kamu juga terkenal, semua orang mengenalmu sebagai pribadi yang baik dan karismatik dan kamu tanpa kesalahan. sementara aku yang seperti ini punya poin 5, aku jelek, aku nakal, aku juga tidak begitu pintar, aku sulit dalam mengucapkan huruf "r". 

tapi perlu kita tahu, bahwa sebenarnya rasa minder dan ketidakpercayadirian itu lah yang membuat kita hanya mempunyai poin 5! 
karena 5 sisanya kita anggap kelemahan yang sama sekali tak berguna. setiap kita lihat yang lebih dari kita, kita minder, itu mengurangi satu angka, kita bandingkan kita dengan yang lain itu mengurangi satu angka, kita bisa melakukan apa saja tapi kita takut ambil resiko, itu juga mengurangi beberapa angka sisanya.
jadi lihat! sebenarnya kita punya 10 poin! sama! rata! imbang! atau apalah namanya...

oke, jadi sekarang say no to minder~ hehhe

tapi gak tau kenapa, tetep aja aku punya pikiran "kamu cuma punya 9 poin jadi kamu perlu aku, aku butuh kamu, karena aku punya 1 poin, 9 + 1 = 10, oke, sekarang "kita" sempurna".

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